A test in Switzerland

Kovačić: "Croatia on the right path to excellence"


Kovačić: "Croatia on the right path to excellence"
Photo by: Drago Sopta/HNS

Goalkeeper Danijel Subašić and midfielder Mateo Kovačić talked about friendly match with Switzerland as a part of World Cup preparations.

Croatian national football team will travel on Tuesday to Switzerland, and on Wednesday play an international friendly with the Ottmar Hitzfeld's Swiss team.

Danijel Subašić, Monaco goalkeeper, could get his opportunity in goal: "I always hope to get my chance at the pitch, but I am aware that Stipe Pletikosa is number one in the national team. He was one of the best players in the qualifying round".

Foto: Drago Sopta/HNS

"Switzerland is a good team, with players from top clubs. They beat us in Split a couple of years ago. It will be difficult, but Croatia always plays good in difficult matches. It is better to play the against the stronger teams, the preparations are different and the motivation is higher. World Cup is still far away, but this is one good introduction for Brazil", said Subašić.

Mateo Kovačić of Inter Milan, praised Swiss qualities, but avoided comparisons with Brazil, the team that awaits Croatia at the opening of the World Cup.

"The Swiss have shown that they are a good team. No one can be compared to Brazil, but the Switzerland match will be a good test since we are all used to playing big matches in front of the big crowds. We have to take Switzerland seriously, with Inler, Behrami and Džemaili excellent in defensive tasks, and Shaqiri and Xhaka most dangerous in attack", said Kovačić.

"Brazil is among the best teams in the world, but we will be prepared and hoping for a positive outcome. We have technical abilities and quality players like Mandžukić, Modrić and Rakitić, and we are on the right path to become an excellent national team", he concluded.



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