Transfer iz Evertona

Nikica Jelavić preselio u Hull City


Nikica Jelavić preselio u Hull City
Foto: Drago Sopta/HNS

Hrvatski reprezentativac Nikica Jelavić karijeru će nastaviti u Hull Cityju, još jednom engleskom prvoligašu, u koji stiže iz redova Evertona.

Hull City, trenutačno desetoplasirana momčad engleskog Premiershipa, novi je klub 28-godišnjeg reprezentativnog napadača i dosadašnjeg člana Evertona, Nikice Jelavića.

Jelavić je potpisao ugovor na tri i pol godine, a pravo nastupa imat će već za dva dana. U subotu njegov Hull City gostuje kod Norwicha.

U svojoj je karijeri Jelavić branio boje splitskog Hajduka, belgijskog Zulte Waregema, bečkog Rapida te škotskog velikana Glasgow Rangersa, nakon čega je prešao na Goodison Park te u dvije godine postigao 21 pogodak.

"Odmah sam znao da mi je ovo velika prilika. Hull City je dobra momčad i nije mi dugo trebalo da shvatim kako je to pravi izbor. Unutar kluba postoje velike ambicije i nadam se da možemo nadograditi sjajan ulazak u sezonu", prokomentirao je Nikica Jelavić na svome predstavljanju.

Za Hrvatsku je Nikica Jelavić odigrao 30 utakmica te postigao pet golova.

As soon as the manager called me, I realised straight away that he was really interested in signing me and that it is a great opportunity for me to come here,” said Jelavic. 
“It is a good club, and we have a good squad. We talked a little bit, but it didn’t take long to realise that it was right for me.
“It's a newly-promoted club, but I can see straight away that there is a lot of ambition here within the club and I hope that we can build on the great start to the season and become a really strong Premier League team over the coming years."




As soon as the manager called me, I realised straight away that he was really interested in signing me and that it is a great opportunity for me to come here,” said Jelavic. 
“It is a good club, and we have a good squad. We talked a little bit, but it didn’t take long to realise that it was right for me.
“It's a newly-promoted club, but I can see straight away that there is a lot of ambition here within the club and I hope that we can build on the great start to the season and become a really strong Premier League team over the coming years."



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